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Show/Hide UI elements in a storyboard depending on the target

I have read a lot about creating a lite and a paid version with Xcode and in my app I am using multiple targets and preprocessor macros as described in this Stackoverflow post. However, I don't know how to handle different targets with a Storyboard.

For example, in my storyboard I have a table view controller with static cells. In the paid version it has four cells, in the lite version has one extra cell whereas the rest of the storyboard remains unchanged. Is there a way to achieve that kind of behavior?

(Creating a new storyboard for the lite version (or duplicating it) is not an option for me as I have dozens of view controllers and 98% of the views and UI elements are identical in both versions. It would make the project difficult to maintain.)


  • For example, in my storyboard I have a table view controller with static cells. In the paid version it has four cells, in the lite version has one extra cell whereas the rest of the storyboard remains unchanged. Is there a way to achieve that kind of behavior?

    If you hadn't boxed yourself in by using a static table, this problem wouldn't have arisen in the first place; you'd be configuring the table in code, which can be conditional — end of issue.

    As things stand, you'll need two different scenes in the storyboard, one for the paid version, the other for the lite version. Then:

    • If this scene is reached by a segue, you'll need two different segues that reach this scene, and you'll decide in code which one to trigger (and trigger it in code, not automatically).

    • If this scene is the initial view controller, you'll need to instantiate it initially in code rather than letting UIApplicationMain do this for you. Or, in that case, use two different storyboards for just this one scene, and then segue to another storyboard.

    (And do keep in mind that multiple storyboards are a great way to organize your scenes in any case. I don't necessarily mean multiple alternative storyboards; multiple sequential storyboards can keep your storyboard from becoming overly complex. It sounds to me from your question as if all you need to do is understand how storyboards work - they are not magic, you know - and be more nimble in your use of them. Your entire deer-in-the-headlights fear of duplicating your storyboard - "I have dozens of view controllers" - suggests you've already gone way too far down the wrong road. Programming is like solving a Rubik's Cube: if you're in the middle of it and your response to someone trying to change something is "don't touch it!", you're doing it wrong.)