I am XE5 user. I have a client/server app written in D7. I have upgraded to XE5. Because D7 was not unicode i have used following type:
TRap = array[0..254] of AnsiChar;
and i am sending this data to server over tcpip. Server has the same defination. Now i need to upgrade to unicode but size must be same. Because i am using the following modal:
PMovieData = ^TMovieData;
TMovieData = packed record
rRap: TRap;
rKey: string[7];
iID: integer;
i have tried to change TRap to this:
TRap2 = array[0..127] of WChar;
However sizes are not equal. TRap is 255 but TRap2 is 256. I can not change the size as it should work with ex version. Do you have any recommendations?
Well, since wide characters are 2 bytes wide, an array of wide characters has even size. And 255 is not even. So you cannot overlay an array of wide characters over the original array.
I suppose you could have an array of 127 wide characters and a padding byte:
TMovieData = packed record
rRap: array [0..126] of WideChar;
_reserved: Byte;
rKey: string[7];
iID: integer;
I cannot imagine this would help much since an old component would interpret the wide character data as 8 bit data. Which would give unexpected results. Basically the text would be garbled.
You might consider some other options: