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How to build a WHERE-clause in a LiquiBase changeset

How do I have to define a changeset in 'LiquiBase' notation for updating a table column whith an AND-ed WHERE-clause:

<changeSet id="ddl update tables : modify datatype for MY_TABLE.STATE_ABBREV" author="xxx">
    <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN" onFailMessage="Column MY_TABLE.STATE_ABBREV doesn't exists.">
            <tableExists tableName="MY_TABLE"/>
            <columnExists tableName="MY_TABLE" columnName="STATE_ABBREV"/>
    <update tableName="MY_TABLE">
        <column name="STATE_ABBREV" value="AS"/>
        <where>AGU   /***AND STATE_ID=3***/  ??????????????????


  • What you put in the <where> tag is simply appended to the end of the UPDATE statement after a " WHERE ". You can put anything in the where tag that you would normally put in SQL.


    <changeSet id="ddl update tables : modify datatype for MY_TABLE.STATE_ABBREV" author="xxx">
        <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN" onFailMessage="Column MY_TABLE.STATE_ABBREV doesn't exists.">
                <tableExists tableName="MY_TABLE"/>
                <columnExists tableName="MY_TABLE" columnName="STATE_ABBREV"/>
        <update tableName="MY_TABLE">
            <column name="STATE_ABBREV" value="AS"/>
            <where>STATE_ABBREV IS NULL AND STATE_ID=3</where>