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Is it possible to style country borders and coast lines on Google Maps API?

I prepared a jfiddle with only country borders in order to help you and all styles resetted:

var styles = [
    "stylers": [
      { "visibility": "off" }

I'd like to change colour of both country borders and coast lines! Thanks!


  • Edit – august 2021

    Google Maps API V3 currently accepts directive for styling country borders.

        "featureType": "",
        "elementType": "geometry.stroke",
        "stylers": [
            "color": "#ff0000"

    Directive for coastlines is unfortunately not supported.

    Original answer

    There is an issue with the API:

    Issue 7165: Bug: Cannot hide country borders anymore (since 9/24/14) elements seem to accept no styling at all.

    related question: Google Maps: Hide country borders