I got 2 tasks in MicroC to simulate a moving vehicle: ControlTask and VehicleTask. Now my project should replace the context switch with a timer for more appropriate timing but I can't seem to get it done. The program now uses the statement OSTimeDlyHMSM
to implement periods but instead soft timers should be used with semaphores. OSTmrCreate in C/OS-II ReferenceManual (Chapter 16). I can start a timer then I can place it in the start code but I'm failing to call the timer and sync properly between the two tasks replacing the OSTimeDlyHMSM
with a timer. I think my solution is getting more complicated than neccesary because I might not understand all details e.g. why I need semaphores and why it's more exact with a timer than the builtin OSTimeDlyHMSM
. My complete effort this far looks like the following:
#include <stdio.h>
#include "system.h"
#include "includes.h"
#include "altera_avalon_pio_regs.h"
#include "sys/alt_irq.h"
#include "sys/alt_alarm.h"
#define DEBUG 1
#define HW_TIMER_PERIOD 100 /* 100ms */
/* Button Patterns */
#define GAS_PEDAL_FLAG 0x08
#define BRAKE_PEDAL_FLAG 0x04
/* Switch Patterns */
#define TOP_GEAR_FLAG 0x00000002
#define ENGINE_FLAG 0x00000001
/* LED Patterns */
#define LED_RED_0 0x00000001 // Engine
#define LED_RED_1 0x00000002 // Top Gear
#define LED_GREEN_0 0x0001 // Cruise Control activated
#define LED_GREEN_2 0x0002 // Cruise Control Button
#define LED_GREEN_4 0x0010 // Brake Pedal
#define LED_GREEN_6 0x0040 // Gas Pedal
* Definition of Tasks
#define TASK_STACKSIZE 2048
// Task Priorities
// Task Periods
#define CONTROL_PERIOD 300
#define VEHICLE_PERIOD 300
* Definition of Kernel Objects
// Mailboxes
OS_EVENT *Mbox_Throttle;
OS_EVENT *Mbox_Velocity;
// Semaphores
OS_EVENT *aSemaphore;
// SW-Timer
OS_TMR *SWTimer;
OS_TMR *SWTimer1;
BOOLEAN status;
* Types
enum active {on, off};
enum active gas_pedal = off;
enum active brake_pedal = off;
enum active top_gear = off;
enum active engine = off;
enum active cruise_control = off;
* Global variables
int delay; // Delay of HW-timer
INT16U led_green = 0; // Green LEDs
INT32U led_red = 0; // Red LEDs
int sharedMemory=1;
void ContextSwitch()
int buttons_pressed(void)
int switches_pressed(void)
* ISR for HW Timer
alt_u32 alarm_handler(void* context)
OSTmrSignal(); /* Signals a 'tick' to the SW timers */
return delay;
static int b2sLUT[] = {0x40, //0
0x79, //1
0x24, //2
0x30, //3
0x19, //4
0x12, //5
0x02, //6
0x78, //7
0x00, //8
0x18, //9
0x3F, //-
* convert int to seven segment display format
int int2seven(int inval){
return b2sLUT[inval];
* output current velocity on the seven segement display
void show_velocity_on_sevenseg(INT8S velocity){
int tmp = velocity;
int out;
INT8U out_high = 0;
INT8U out_low = 0;
INT8U out_sign = 0;
if(velocity < 0){
out_sign = int2seven(10);
tmp *= -1;
out_sign = int2seven(0);
out_high = int2seven(tmp / 10);
out_low = int2seven(tmp - (tmp/10) * 10);
out = int2seven(0) << 21 |
out_sign << 14 |
out_high << 7 |
* shows the target velocity on the seven segment display (HEX5, HEX4)
* when the cruise control is activated (0 otherwise)
void show_target_velocity(INT8U target_vel)
* indicates the position of the vehicle on the track with the four leftmost red LEDs
* LEDR17: [0m, 400m)
* LEDR16: [400m, 800m)
* LEDR15: [800m, 1200m)
* LEDR14: [1200m, 1600m)
* LEDR13: [1600m, 2000m)
* LEDR12: [2000m, 2400m]
void show_position(INT16U position)
* The function 'adjust_position()' adjusts the position depending on the
* acceleration and velocity.
INT16U adjust_position(INT16U position, INT16S velocity,
INT8S acceleration, INT16U time_interval)
INT16S new_position = position + velocity * time_interval / 1000
+ acceleration / 2 * (time_interval / 1000) * (time_interval / 1000);
if (new_position > 24000) {
new_position -= 24000;
} else if (new_position < 0){
new_position += 24000;
return new_position;
* The function 'adjust_velocity()' adjusts the velocity depending on the
* acceleration.
INT16S adjust_velocity(INT16S velocity, INT8S acceleration,
enum active brake_pedal, INT16U time_interval)
INT16S new_velocity;
INT8U brake_retardation = 200;
if (brake_pedal == off)
new_velocity = velocity + (float) (acceleration * time_interval) / 1000.0;
else {
if (brake_retardation * time_interval / 1000 > velocity)
new_velocity = 0;
new_velocity = velocity - brake_retardation * time_interval / 1000;
return new_velocity;
* The task 'VehicleTask' updates the current velocity of the vehicle
void VehicleTask(void* pdata)
INT8U err;
void* msg;
INT8U* throttle;
INT8S acceleration; /* Value between 40 and -20 (4.0 m/s^2 and -2.0 m/s^2) */
INT8S retardation; /* Value between 20 and -10 (2.0 m/s^2 and -1.0 m/s^2) */
INT16U position = 0; /* Value between 0 and 20000 (0.0 m and 2000.0 m) */
INT16S velocity = 0; /* Value between -200 and 700 (-20.0 m/s amd 70.0 m/s) */
INT16S wind_factor; /* Value between -10 and 20 (2.0 m/s^2 and -1.0 m/s^2) */
printf("Vehicle task created!\n");
err = OSMboxPost(Mbox_Velocity, (void *) &velocity);
/* Non-blocking read of mailbox:
- message in mailbox: update throttle
- no message: use old throttle
msg = OSMboxPend(Mbox_Throttle, 1, &err);
if (err == OS_NO_ERR)
throttle = (INT8U*) msg;
/* Retardation : Factor of Terrain and Wind Resistance */
if (velocity > 0)
wind_factor = velocity * velocity / 10000 + 1;
wind_factor = (-1) * velocity * velocity / 10000 + 1;
if (position < 4000)
retardation = wind_factor; // even ground
else if (position < 8000)
retardation = wind_factor + 15; // traveling uphill
else if (position < 12000)
retardation = wind_factor + 25; // traveling steep uphill
else if (position < 16000)
retardation = wind_factor; // even ground
else if (position < 20000)
retardation = wind_factor - 10; //traveling downhill
retardation = wind_factor - 5 ; // traveling steep downhill
acceleration = *throttle / 2 - retardation;
position = adjust_position(position, velocity, acceleration, 300);
velocity = adjust_velocity(velocity, acceleration, brake_pedal, 300);
printf("Position: %dm\n", position / 10);
printf("Velocity: %4.1fm/s\n", velocity /10.0);
printf("Throttle: %dV\n", *throttle / 10);
show_velocity_on_sevenseg((INT8S) (velocity / 10));
* The task 'ControlTask' is the main task of the application. It reacts
* on sensors and generates responses.
void ControlTask(void* pdata)
INT8U err;
INT8U throttle = 40; /* Value between 0 and 80, which is interpreted as between 0.0V and 8.0V */
void* msg;
INT16S* current_velocity;
printf("Control Task created!\n");
msg = OSMboxPend(Mbox_Velocity, 0, &err);
current_velocity = (INT16S*) msg;
err = OSMboxPost(Mbox_Throttle, (void *) &throttle);
* The task 'StartTask' creates all other tasks kernel objects and
* deletes itself afterwards.
void StartTask(void* pdata)
INT8U err;
void* context;
static alt_alarm alarm; /* Is needed for timer ISR function */
/* Base resolution for SW timer : HW_TIMER_PERIOD ms */
delay = alt_ticks_per_second() * HW_TIMER_PERIOD / 1000;
printf("delay in ticks %d\n", delay);
* Create Hardware Timer with a period of 'delay'
if (alt_alarm_start (&alarm,
context) < 0)
printf("No system clock available!n");
* Create and start Software Timer
SWTimer = OSTmrCreate(0,
if (err == OS_ERR_NONE) {
/* Timer was created but NOT started */
printf("SWTimer was created but NOT started \n");
status = OSTmrStart(SWTimer,
if (err == OS_ERR_NONE) {
/* Timer was started */
printf("SWTimer was started!\n");
* Creation of Kernel Objects
// Mailboxes
Mbox_Throttle = OSMboxCreate((void*) 0); /* Empty Mailbox - Throttle */
Mbox_Velocity = OSMboxCreate((void*) 0); /* Empty Mailbox - Velocity */
* Create statistics task
* Creating Tasks in the system
err = OSTaskCreateExt(
ControlTask, // Pointer to task code
NULL, // Pointer to argument that is
// passed to task
&ControlTask_Stack[TASK_STACKSIZE-1], // Pointer to top
// of task stack
(void *)&ControlTask_Stack[0],
(void *) 0,
err = OSTaskCreateExt(
VehicleTask, // Pointer to task code
NULL, // Pointer to argument that is
// passed to task
&VehicleTask_Stack[TASK_STACKSIZE-1], // Pointer to top
// of task stack
(void *)&VehicleTask_Stack[0],
(void *) 0,
printf("All Tasks and Kernel Objects generated!\n");
/* Task deletes itself */
* The function 'main' creates only a single task 'StartTask' and starts
* the OS. All other tasks are started from the task 'StartTask'.
int main(void) {
printf("Cruise Control\n");
aSemaphore = OSSemCreate(1); // binary semaphore (1 key)
StartTask, // Pointer to task code
NULL, // Pointer to argument that is
// passed to task
(void *)&StartTask_Stack[TASK_STACKSIZE-1], // Pointer to top
// of task stack
(void *)&StartTask_Stack[0],
(void *) 0,
return 0;
Running the above program the callback contextswitch
is executed but it doesn't yet solve the problem of using timers instead of the builtin yield and how to apply it with semaphores.
Cruise Control
delay in ticks 100
SWTimer was created but NOT started
SWTimer was started!
All Tasks and Kernel Objects generated!
Vehicle task created!
Control Task created!
Position: 0m
Velocity: 0.5m/s
Throttle: 4V
Position: 0m
Velocity: 1.0m/s
Throttle: 4V
Position: 0m
Velocity: 1.5m/s
Throttle: 4V
Position: 0m
Velocity: 2.0m/s
Throttle: 4V
Position: 1m
Velocity: 2.5m/s
Throttle: 4V
Position: 2m
Velocity: 3.0m/s
Throttle: 4V
2 semaphores + 2 timers seem like a good improvement. I hope it can be checked or tested...
#include <stdio.h>
#include "system.h"
#include "includes.h"
#include "altera_avalon_pio_regs.h"
#include "sys/alt_irq.h"
#include "sys/alt_alarm.h"
#define DEBUG 1
#define HW_TIMER_PERIOD 100 /* 100ms */
/* Button Patterns */
#define GAS_PEDAL_FLAG 0x08
#define BRAKE_PEDAL_FLAG 0x04
/* Switch Patterns */
#define TOP_GEAR_FLAG 0x00000002
#define ENGINE_FLAG 0x00000001
/* LED Patterns */
#define LED_RED_0 0x00000001 // Engine
#define LED_RED_1 0x00000002 // Top Gear
#define LED_GREEN_0 0x0001 // Cruise Control activated
#define LED_GREEN_2 0x0002 // Cruise Control Button
#define LED_GREEN_4 0x0010 // Brake Pedal
#define LED_GREEN_6 0x0040 // Gas Pedal
* Definition of Tasks
#define TASK_STACKSIZE 2048
// Task Priorities
// Task Periods
#define CONTROL_PERIOD 300
#define VEHICLE_PERIOD 300
* Definition of Kernel Objects
// Mailboxes
OS_EVENT *Mbox_Throttle;
OS_EVENT *Mbox_Velocity;
// Semaphores
OS_EVENT *aSemaphore;
OS_EVENT *aSemaphore2;
// SW-Timer
OS_TMR *SWTimer;
OS_TMR *SWTimer1;
BOOLEAN status;
* Types
enum active {on, off};
enum active gas_pedal = off;
enum active brake_pedal = off;
enum active top_gear = off;
enum active engine = off;
enum active cruise_control = off;
* Global variables
int delay; // Delay of HW-timer
INT16U led_green = 0; // Green LEDs
INT32U led_red = 0; // Red LEDs
int sharedMemory=1;
void TimerCallback(params)
// Post to the semaphore to signal that it's time to run the task.
OSSemPost(aSemaphore); // Releasing the key
void ContextSwitch()
int buttons_pressed(void)
int switches_pressed(void)
* ISR for HW Timer
alt_u32 alarm_handler(void* context)
OSTmrSignal(); /* Signals a 'tick' to the SW timers */
return delay;
void release()
printf("release key!\n");
//OSSemPost(aSemaphore); // Releasing the key
OSSemPost(aSemaphore2); // Releasing the key
printf("released key!\n");
void release2()
OSSemPost(aSemaphore2); // Releasing the key
static int b2sLUT[] = {0x40, //0
0x79, //1
0x24, //2
0x30, //3
0x19, //4
0x12, //5
0x02, //6
0x78, //7
0x00, //8
0x18, //9
0x3F, //-
* convert int to seven segment display format
int int2seven(int inval){
return b2sLUT[inval];
* output current velocity on the seven segement display
void show_velocity_on_sevenseg(INT8S velocity){
int tmp = velocity;
int out;
INT8U out_high = 0;
INT8U out_low = 0;
INT8U out_sign = 0;
if(velocity < 0){
out_sign = int2seven(10);
tmp *= -1;
out_sign = int2seven(0);
out_high = int2seven(tmp / 10);
out_low = int2seven(tmp - (tmp/10) * 10);
out = int2seven(0) << 21 |
out_sign << 14 |
out_high << 7 |
* shows the target velocity on the seven segment display (HEX5, HEX4)
* when the cruise control is activated (0 otherwise)
void show_target_velocity(INT8U target_vel)
* indicates the position of the vehicle on the track with the four leftmost red LEDs
* LEDR17: [0m, 400m)
* LEDR16: [400m, 800m)
* LEDR15: [800m, 1200m)
* LEDR14: [1200m, 1600m)
* LEDR13: [1600m, 2000m)
* LEDR12: [2000m, 2400m]
void show_position(INT16U position)
* The function 'adjust_position()' adjusts the position depending on the
* acceleration and velocity.
INT16U adjust_position(INT16U position, INT16S velocity,
INT8S acceleration, INT16U time_interval)
INT16S new_position = position + velocity * time_interval / 1000
+ acceleration / 2 * (time_interval / 1000) * (time_interval / 1000);
if (new_position > 24000) {
new_position -= 24000;
} else if (new_position < 0){
new_position += 24000;
return new_position;
* The function 'adjust_velocity()' adjusts the velocity depending on the
* acceleration.
INT16S adjust_velocity(INT16S velocity, INT8S acceleration,
enum active brake_pedal, INT16U time_interval)
INT16S new_velocity;
INT8U brake_retardation = 200;
if (brake_pedal == off)
new_velocity = velocity + (float) (acceleration * time_interval) / 1000.0;
else {
if (brake_retardation * time_interval / 1000 > velocity)
new_velocity = 0;
new_velocity = velocity - brake_retardation * time_interval / 1000;
return new_velocity;
* The task 'VehicleTask' updates the current velocity of the vehicle
void VehicleTask(void* pdata)
INT8U err;
void* msg;
INT8U* throttle;
INT8S acceleration; /* Value between 40 and -20 (4.0 m/s^2 and -2.0 m/s^2) */
INT8S retardation; /* Value between 20 and -10 (2.0 m/s^2 and -1.0 m/s^2) */
INT16U position = 0; /* Value between 0 and 20000 (0.0 m and 2000.0 m) */
INT16S velocity = 0; /* Value between -200 and 700 (-20.0 m/s amd 70.0 m/s) */
INT16S wind_factor; /* Value between -10 and 20 (2.0 m/s^2 and -1.0 m/s^2) */
printf("Vehicle task created!\n");
// Create a semaphore to represent the "it's time to run" event.
// Initialize the semaphore count to zero because it's not time
// to run yet.
// Create a periodic software timer which calls TimerCallback()
// when it expires.
* Create and start Software Timer
SWTimer1 = OSTmrCreate(0,
if (err == OS_ERR_NONE) {
/* Timer was created but NOT started */
printf("SWTimer1 was created but NOT started \n");
status = OSTmrStart(SWTimer1,
if (err == OS_ERR_NONE) {
/* Timer was started */
printf("SWTimer1 was started!\n");
OSSemPend(aSemaphore, 0, &err); // Trying to access the key
err = OSMboxPost(Mbox_Velocity, (void *) &velocity);
/* Non-blocking read of mailbox:
- message in mailbox: update throttle
- no message: use old throttle
msg = OSMboxPend(Mbox_Throttle, 1, &err);
if (err == OS_NO_ERR)
throttle = (INT8U*) msg;
/* Retardation : Factor of Terrain and Wind Resistance */
if (velocity > 0)
wind_factor = velocity * velocity / 10000 + 1;
wind_factor = (-1) * velocity * velocity / 10000 + 1;
if (position < 4000)
retardation = wind_factor; // even ground
else if (position < 8000)
retardation = wind_factor + 15; // traveling uphill
else if (position < 12000)
retardation = wind_factor + 25; // traveling steep uphill
else if (position < 16000)
retardation = wind_factor; // even ground
else if (position < 20000)
retardation = wind_factor - 10; //traveling downhill
retardation = wind_factor - 5 ; // traveling steep downhill
acceleration = *throttle / 2 - retardation;
position = adjust_position(position, velocity, acceleration, 300);
velocity = adjust_velocity(velocity, acceleration, brake_pedal, 300);
printf("Position: %dm\n", position / 10);
printf("Velocity: %4.1fm/s\n", velocity /10.0);
printf("Throttle: %dV\n", *throttle / 10);
show_velocity_on_sevenseg((INT8S) (velocity / 10));
//OSSemPost(aSemaphore); // Releasing the key
* The task 'ControlTask' is the main task of the application. It reacts
* on sensors and generates responses.
void ControlTask(void* pdata)
INT8U err;
INT8U throttle = 40; /* Value between 0 and 80, which is interpreted as between 0.0V and 8.0V */
void* msg;
INT16S* current_velocity;
printf("Control Task created!\n");
OSSemPend(aSemaphore2, 0, &err); // Trying to access the key
msg = OSMboxPend(Mbox_Velocity, 0, &err);
current_velocity = (INT16S*) msg;
printf("Control Task!\n");
err = OSMboxPost(Mbox_Throttle, (void *) &throttle);
//OSSemPost(aSemaphore2); // Releasing the key
* The task 'StartTask' creates all other tasks kernel objects and
* deletes itself afterwards.
void StartTask(void* pdata)
INT8U err;
void* context;
static alt_alarm alarm; /* Is needed for timer ISR function */
/* Base resolution for SW timer : HW_TIMER_PERIOD ms */
delay = alt_ticks_per_second() * HW_TIMER_PERIOD / 1000;
printf("delay in ticks %d\n", delay);
* Create Hardware Timer with a period of 'delay'
if (alt_alarm_start (&alarm,
context) < 0)
printf("No system clock available!n");
* Create and start Software Timer
SWTimer = OSTmrCreate(0,
if (err == OS_ERR_NONE) {
/* Timer was created but NOT started */
printf("SWTimer was created but NOT started \n");
status = OSTmrStart(SWTimer,
if (err == OS_ERR_NONE) {
/* Timer was started */
printf("SWTimer was started!\n");
* Creation of Kernel Objects
// Mailboxes
Mbox_Throttle = OSMboxCreate((void*) 0); /* Empty Mailbox - Throttle */
Mbox_Velocity = OSMboxCreate((void*) 0); /* Empty Mailbox - Velocity */
* Create statistics task
* Creating Tasks in the system
err = OSTaskCreateExt(
ControlTask, // Pointer to task code
NULL, // Pointer to argument that is
// passed to task
&ControlTask_Stack[TASK_STACKSIZE-1], // Pointer to top
// of task stack
(void *)&ControlTask_Stack[0],
(void *) 0,
err = OSTaskCreateExt(
VehicleTask, // Pointer to task code
NULL, // Pointer to argument that is
// passed to task
&VehicleTask_Stack[TASK_STACKSIZE-1], // Pointer to top
// of task stack
(void *)&VehicleTask_Stack[0],
(void *) 0,
printf("All Tasks and Kernel Objects generated!\n");
/* Task deletes itself */
* The function 'main' creates only a single task 'StartTask' and starts
* the OS. All other tasks are started from the task 'StartTask'.
int main(void) {
printf("Cruise Control 2014\n");
aSemaphore = OSSemCreate(1); // binary semaphore (1 key)
aSemaphore2 = OSSemCreate(0); // binary semaphore (1 key)
StartTask, // Pointer to task code
NULL, // Pointer to argument that is
// passed to task
(void *)&StartTask_Stack[TASK_STACKSIZE-1], // Pointer to top
// of task stack
(void *)&StartTask_Stack[0],
(void *) 0,
return 0;
Cruise Control 2014
delay in ticks 100
SWTimer was created but NOT started
SWTimer was started!
All Tasks and Kernel Objects generated!
Vehicle task created!
SWTimer1 was created but NOT started
SWTimer1 was started!
Control Task created!
Position: 0m
Velocity: 0.4m/s
Throttle: 3V
release key!
released key!
Control Task!
Position: 0m
Velocity: 0.9m/s
Throttle: 4V
release key!
released key!
Control Task!
Position: 0m
Velocity: 1.4m/s
My impression is that you have two tasks that you want to run at regular intervals. And you want to accomplish this with a software timer and semaphore. If that's correct then you can accomplish this as follows.
Each task will use it's own semaphore and timer. A semaphore can be used as a signal that an event has occurred. In this case use the semaphore to indicate that the timer has expired and it's time for the task to run. Set up the software timer to expire periodically and call a callback function. The callback function should post to the semaphore. The task should pend on the semaphore within its while loop. This way the task runs one iteration through the loop every time the timer expires.
Here is some psuedo-code:
void TimerCallback(params)
// Post to the semaphore to signal that it's time to run the task.
void TaskFunction(void)
// Create a semaphore to represent the "it's time to run" event.
// Initialize the semaphore count to zero because it's not time
// to run yet.
// Create a periodic software timer which calls TimerCallback()
// when it expires.
// Wait until it's time to run by pending on the semaphore.
// Do task specific stuff.
The periodic nature of this software-timer-and-semaphore implementation is more precise than using OSTimeDlyHMSM(). The reason is that the software timer period runs independent of the execution time of the task. But the period of OSTimeDlyHMSM() is in addition to the execution time of the task. And the execution time of the task may vary from one iteration to the next if it is preempted by other tasks or interrupts. So using OSTimeDlyHMSM() is not a very precise way to get a periodic event.