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AS3 GoToAndPlay Error

so I tried all examples given here, mainly all the 3 options from another post:

 //option 1

//option 2

//option 3
var mc:MovieClip = this.parent as MovieClip;

And here is my issue: On my main timeline I have a mc tweening from frame 1 to frame 25. The movieclip instance has the instance name "carMc". ON frame 25 I have the following code:

var carMc:MovieClip = this.parent as MovieClip;

carMc has 6 frames. A stop action on frame 1 and a gotoAndPlay(5); action on frame 6

My issue is that carMc won't go as directed to play frame 5.When I run a trace on frame 25 of the main timeline I get a

[object carMc_3] 

returned...And have no idea why this is. For some reason it doesn't seem as if Flash is treating my movieclip instance on the timeline as a movieclip.

Any ideas??? Thanks guys!


  • Your problem is a bit complicated to understand but i'll try.

    On my main timeline I have a mc tweening from frame 1 to frame 25. The movieclip instance has the instance name "carMc". ON frame 25 I have the following code:

    var carMc:MovieClip = this.parent as MovieClip; carMc.gotoAndPlay(5);

    If this code is in main timeline than this.parent would be Stage which is indeed an object. If you want to reference car movieclip than you need to reference it as
