- (UIView*)getContainerView
UIView *playerControls = (self.videoPlayer.view ? self.videoPlayer.view : self.view);
NSString* containerViewName = [self getContainerViewName]; **//@"MPSwipableView" gets returned**
for(UIWindow* tempWindow in [[UIApplication sharedApplication]windows]){
for(UIView* tempView in [tempWindow subviews]){
if ([[tempView description] rangeOfString:containerViewName].location != NSNotFound){
playerControls = tempView;
if(playerControls == nil){
NSLog(@"player ERROR : movieDidEnterFullScreen , no view named %@ was found",containerViewName);
return playerControls;
- (void)addCustomControls
UIView *controlsPlaceholder = [self getContainerView];
if (controlsPlaceholder) {
if (![controlsPlaceholder.subviews containsObject:self.customControls.view]) {
[controlsPlaceholder addSubview:self.customControls.view];
[controlsPlaceholder bringSubviewToFront:self.customControls.view];
if (self.tapGestureRecognizer == nil) {
self.tapGestureRecognizer = [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:@selector(handleTapGesture:)];
self.tapGestureRecognizer.delegate = self;
if ([Device] is_iPad]) {
[self.customControls.view addGestureRecognizer:self.tapGestureRecognizer];
else {
[self.videoPlayer.view addGestureRecognizer:self.tapGestureRecognizer];
My problem is only with iOS8 while the player is in fullscreen. The handleTapGesture: is not called and also when I go in fullscreen the custom controls view disappears.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
The "getContainerViewName" method has the following change:
- (NSString*)getContainerViewName
if ([[PSDeviceInfo sharedInstance] is_iOS5]) {
return @"UILayoutContainerView";
if ([[PSDeviceInfo sharedInstance] is_iOS6]) {
return @"MPSwipableView";
if ([[PSDeviceInfo sharedInstance] is_iOS7]) {
return @"MPSwipableView";
if ([[PSDeviceInfo sharedInstance] is_iOS8]) {
NSLog(@"player ERROR : getContainerViewName");
return nil;
- (NSString*)getContainerViewName
if ([[PSDeviceInfo sharedInstance] is_iOS5]) {
return @"UILayoutContainerView";
if ([[PSDeviceInfo sharedInstance] is_iOS6]) {
return @"MPSwipableView";
if ([[PSDeviceInfo sharedInstance] is_iOS7]) {
return @"MPSwipableView";
if ([[PSDeviceInfo sharedInstance] is_iOS8]) {
if (self.playerIsInfullScreen) {
return @"UIInputSetContainerView";
}else {
NSLog(@"player ERROR : getContainerViewName");
return nil;
The custom controls view will respond to touch and it will also be visible. Hopefully this will help someone in need.