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Are there any changes to IPN params with Enhanced Recurring Payments

I'm using Paypal Website Payments Standard to accept recurring payments, but thinking of upgrading to "Enhanced Recurring Payments" to accept recurring payments from people without paypal accounts. I want to know, what if any are the changes to the APIs? Specifically, do the IPN messages differ at all? I can't find any information on how Enhanced Recurring Payments changes it, if at all.

If anybody knows, or can post a sample IPN for an Enhanced Recurring Payment without a PayPal account, that would be great!


  • There is a difference of only one variable between the IPN for PayPal Payments and the Credit card Payments . For the credit IPN you will receive an extra variable "receipt_id" in addition to the other variables . I have posted the two sample IPN's below :

    ERP IPN when somebody pays via credit card option

    mc_gross=1.00 &protection_eligibility=Eligible &address_status=confirmed &payer_id=ZQSC4
    4KE3MPNE &address_street=3710 Spring Haven Trail ada &payment_date=07:49:47 Sep 29, 2014 PDT
    &payment_status=Completed &charset=UTF-8 &address_zip=07054 &first_name=Eshan &
    option_selection1=Small &option_selection2=Red &option_selection3=Value for the text field &
    amp;mc_fee=0.33 &address_country_code=US &address_name=Eshan agag &notify_version=3.8 &a
    mp;subscr_id=I-KJR1N7DVTSFV &custom=THIS IS CUSTOM VARIABLE FOR SUBSCRIPTION &payer_status=u
    nverified &business=XXXXXXXXX &address_country=United States &address_city=Pa
    rsippany &verify_sign=Aw6X5vyHflgdAgaJGWvPoCJ8QoI9AGpk50cgjQn5vFFAb.keQURphbSq &payer_email= &option_name1=First Drop Down &option_name2=Second Drop Down &option_n
    ame3=This is Text field &contact_phone=434-343-3434 &txn_id=9E162447RW023401J &payment_t
    ype=instant &last_name=agag &address_state=NJ &receiver_email=XXXXXXXXXX &
    payment_fee=0.33 &receiver_id=XXXXXXXXX &txn_type=subscr_payment &item_name=Passing 
    custom field in subs button to see if it comes in IPN and show up in Account &mc_currency=USD &a
    mp;residence_country=US &test_ipn=1 & **receipt_id=3610-4109-0310-2116** &transaction_subject
    =Passing custom field in subs button to see if it comes in IPN and show up in Account &payment_g
    ross=1.00 &ipn_track_id=42d902b155b6d

    IPN when someone pays via PayPal

    mc_gross=1.00 &invoice= 12345678 &protection_eligibility=Eligible &address_status=confir
    med &payer_id=XXXXXXXXXX &address_street=cxas asa &payment_date=09:40:46 Sep 29, 2014
    PDT &payment_status=Completed &charset=UTF-8 &address_zip=95616 &first_name=Eshan P
    ersonal Test &option_selection1=Small &option_selection2=Red &option_selection3=Using th
    e text field as the hidden one and also passed invoice id &mc_fee=0.33 &address_country_code
    =US &address_name=Eshan Personal Test Account &notify_version=3.8 &subscr_id=I-79KEGCFRB
    8V6 &custom=THIS IS CUSTOM VARIABLE FOR SUBSCRIPTION &payer_status=verified &business=XXXXXXX
    &address_country=United States &address_city=FL &verify_sign=ABoC7zeo
    JKOS8-FgzxlPH0pKFIpkABi1td4dId5Vndd1boMDXpvdWXfX &payer_email=XXXXXXXXX &option_n
    ame1=First Drop Down &option_name2=Second Drop Down &option_name3=This is Text field &co
    ntact_phone=408-767-7151 &txn_id=5LX310552A647342M &payment_type=instant &last_name=Acco
    unt &address_state=FL &receiver_email=XXXXXXX &payment_fee=0.33 &receiv
    er_id=XXXXXXX &txn_type=subscr_payment &item_name=Passing custom field in subs button 
    to see if it comes in IPN and show up in Account &mc_currency=USD &residence_country=US &
    ;test_ipn=1 &transaction_subject=Passing custom field in subs button to see if it comes in IPN a
    nd show up in Account &payment_gross=1.00 &ipn_track_id=80ffac6da5284

    I have attached Screen Shot also :

    enter image description here