I am looking for a way to programatically open the "New Document" dialog in Word 2007. It is the same one you get when you select File->New . You can also open it using the FileNew macro or the "New..." menu command. However, I have been unable to find a way to do this programmatically.
I have tried:
Application.Run MacroName:="FileNew"
but both of these open the old dialog, not the new one that word 2007 uses.
If a 'real' VBA command exists for open that dialog, I can't find it. However, I did find this utterly lame workaround via some quick googling:
SendKeys "%"
SendKeys "F"
SendKeys "N"
It does what you want though! Found it here http://www.eggheadcafe.com/software/aspnet/32228837/new-file-dialog-in-word-2.aspx