I have an array, which holds values like this:
$items_pool = Array (
[0] => Array ( [id] => 1 [quantity] => 1 )
[1] => Array ( [id] => 2 [quantity] => 1 )
[2] => Array ( [id] => 72 [quantity] => 6 )
[3] => Array ( [id] => 4 [quantity] => 1 )
[4] => Array ( [id] => 5 [quantity] => 1 )
[5] => Array ( [id] => 7 [quantity] => 1 )
[6] => Array ( [id] => 8 [quantity] => 1 )
[7] => Array ( [id] => 9 [quantity] => 1 )
[8] => Array ( [id] => 19 [quantity] => 1 )
[9] => Array ( [id] => 20 [quantity] => 1 )
[10] => Array ( [id] => 22 [quantity] => 1 )
[11] => Array ( [id] => 29 [quantity] => 0 )
Next, I have a form that I am trying to populate. It loops through the item database, prints out all the possible items, and checks the ones that are already present in $items_pool.
<?php foreach ($items['items_poolpackage']->result() as $item): ?>
<input type="checkbox" name="measure[<?=$item->id?>][checkmark]" value="<?=$item->id?>">
<?php endforeach; ?>
I know what logically I'm trying to accomplish here, but I can't figure out the programming.
What I'm looking for, written loosely is something like this (not real code):
<input type="checkbox" name="measure[<?=$item->id?>][checkmark]" value="<?=$item->id?>" <?php if ($items_pool['$item->id']) { echo "SELECTED"; } else { }?>>
Specifically this conditional loop through the array, through all the key values (the ID) and if there's a match, the checkbox is selected.
<?php if ($items_pool['$item->id']) { echo "SELECTED"; } else { }?>
I understand from a loop structured like this that it may mean a lot of 'extra' processing.
TL;DR - I need to loop within the array, check for the key 'id', then print a string.
If I understand correctly, you need something like this?
array_walk($items_pool, create_function('$array', 'global $item; if( in_array($item->id, $array) ) { echo "checked=\"checked\""; }'));
Conside this though, if you stored your products in a single dimensional array (presuming the ids will always be unique
$items_pool = array(id, quantity)
You will not end up with having duplicated entries of products and can incremement/decrement the quantity easier.
$items_pool[id]++; /* or */ $items_pool[id] = $items_pool[id] + 2;
Both techniques should work if the id exists in the array or not.
If you are hoping to store other attritubes in this array other than quantity, you can
$items_pool = array(id=>array(quantity=>3, colour=>"red"));