What's the right way for a rule to need
a generated file? Here's what I tried:
import Development.Shake
import System.IO
import Control.Monad
main = do
s <- withBinaryFile "/dev/urandom" ReadMode $ replicateM 10 . hGetChar
shakeArgs shakeOptions $ do
want ["a.out"]
"generated" *> \target -> writeFileChanged target s
"*.out" *> \out -> do
need ["generated"]
writeFile' out =<< readFile' "generated"
But this results in the rule for generated
not getting re-run, so a.out
stays the same after repeated runs.
To solve your problem you need to add alwaysRerun
to the definition of generated
, so that the generated
rule always runs. You are correctly depending on generated
with the need
(and also with the readFile'
, which does a need
behind scenes), it's just that generated
doesn't have any input dependencies, so never gets rerun. Adding alwaysRerun
gives generated
a dependency that always changes. I would expect to see:
"generated" *> \target -> do
writeFileChanged target s
(You can also move the definition of s
down to under generated
, but I have a suspicion that's just an artefact of how you've simplified your test case.)