How to create a TFENode from a Path?
I am a bit farer, there is a method in TGlobalWindowController
struct TString {
struct TRef<const __CFString *, TRetainReleasePolicy<CFStringRef>> fString;
+ (struct TFENode)nodeForUrl:(const struct TString *)arg1;
Unfortunately, I'm not able to create a TString
After research, I found out that this method works:
struct TString {
//struct TRef<CFStringRef, TRetainReleasePolicy<CFStringRef>> fString;
CFStringRef fString;
NSString *path = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"file:///"];
struct TString *tstr = (struct TString *)malloc(sizeof(struct TString*));
tstr->fString = (CFStringRef)path;
id node = [NSClassFromString(@"TGlobalWindowController") performSelector:NSSelectorFromString(@"nodeForUrl:") withObject:(id)tstr];
[path release];
The node is correct, but the finder crashes as soon as the next garbage collection process starts.
Found the answer:
+ (char*) nodeForPath:(NSURL*)url node:(char*) node
memset(node, 0, 0x204);
int *v6;
void* v7;
if ( (double)NSAppKitVersionNumber < 1110.0 )
v6 = (int *)[url absoluteString];
v7 = [url absoluteString];
v6 = (int *)&v7;
objc_msgSend_stret((id)node,NSClassFromString(@"TGlobalWindowController"), NSSelectorFromString(@"nodeForUrl:"), v6);
return node;