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Forking/Copying Heroku ClearDB to development environment

I'm setting up a development environment on heroku for my app and I'm having an issue copying over the DB. My current DB is ClearDB and I usually connect to it via Workbench. However, if I try to export the DB and iimport into my staging environment I get a credential issue.

I found this post on SO with regards to this issue: Moving/copying one remote database to another remote database

And the solution is here:

mysqldump --single-transaction -u (old_database_username) -p -h (old_database_host) (database_name) | mysql -h (new_host) -u (new_user) -p -D (new_database)

But even if I run this, I'm still running into an issue with credentials. The execution wants both passwords at the same time, for old DB and new DB so it keeps failing.

I tried to inline the -p but it still asks for password. What am I missing?


  • Okay, that was a silly mistake. The reason I was having issues is that after option such as -u or -h, there is a space while in the option for password, there is no space. I.E.

    mysqldump --single-transaction -u old_database_username -pPasswordOld -h old_database_host database_name | mysql -h new_host -u new_user -pPasswordNew -D new_database

    Once corrected, everything worked as expected.