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NHibernate and hbm2dll update attribute

i'm using NHibernate with Sdf database. In my hibernate.cfg.xml file i've set:

<property name="" value="update"/>

But this does not seem to work at all. "Update" attribute should make NHibernate generate missing tables and columns during application launch, but it does not happen.

If i want missing tables geenrated I have to set property to "create" which is not an option for me since it drops existing db content beforehand.

I experienced the same problem with PostgreSql problem. Am I missing something?


  • As far as I remember, I resolved the problem by using:

    new SchemaUpdate(_cfg);

    Please read about SchemaUpdate in NHibernate documentation.

    You can alternatively try using Fluent NHibernate which will definetely work as you expect and even better!