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notify.js options are not working

I have the following code on my document.ready

$.notify("Your class starts in 15min", "info", {
  clickToHide: false,
  autoHide: false,
  globalPosition: 'top center'

but nothing happen, I only get the text and the info type, but autohide and globalposition it's not working.

What I'm doing wrong.

thanks for your helps


  • I just created a jsFiddle with your given information and everything works fine when you use

    $.notify("Your class starts in 15min", {
      clickToHide: false,
      autoHide: false,
      globalPosition: 'top right'

    The problem was that you used the style information ('info') as the second parameter within the constructor, which actually expects an object of options $.notify( string|object, [ options ]).

    Please note that I used jQuery 2.1.0 and notifyJS v0.3.1.