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FogBugz - Estimate & EBS

I have a FogBugz question regarding EBS (Evidence Based Scheduling)...

Developer A estimates Case A at X amount and Developer B ends up taking over Case A before Developer A can get started and before time has been logged against it. If Developer B agrees with the same estimate that Developer A entered, how might we transfer that same estimate to Developer B for the purpose of evidence-based scheduling?

(I want to avoid having Developer B switch the estimate to Y and then back to X)


  • As per the FogBugz StackExchange question:

    On (2) - You have hit it, the only workaround right now (aside from writing a plugin that automatically switches the estimator to the current AssignedTo when work begins), is to switch the estimate to Y and then back to X, or have developer B make a minute change to the estimate to make it his own. Sorry, I know that's not ideal. - Brett Kiefer