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How to use custom ellipsis in Android TextView

I have a TextView with maxlines=3 and I would like to use my own ellipsis, instead of

"Lore ipsum ..."

I need

"Lore ipsum ... [See more]"

in order to give the user a clue that clicking on the view is going to expand the full text.

Is it possible ?

I was thinking about check whether TextView has ellipsis and in such a case add the text "[See more]" and after that set ellipsis just before, but I couldn't find the way to do that.

Maybe if I find the position where the text is cutted, I can disable the ellipsis and make a substring and later add "... [See more]", but again I dont know how to get that position.


  • I've finally managed it in this way (may be not the best one):

    private void setLabelAfterEllipsis(TextView textView, int labelId, int maxLines){
        if(textView.getLayout().getEllipsisCount(maxLines-1)==0) {
            return; // Nothing to do
        int start = textView.getLayout().getLineStart(0);
        int end = textView.getLayout().getLineEnd(textView.getLineCount() - 1);
        String displayed = textView.getText().toString().substring(start, end);
        int displayedWidth = getTextWidth(displayed, textView.getTextSize());
        String strLabel = textView.getContext().getResources().getString(labelId);
        String ellipsis = "...";
        String suffix = ellipsis + strLabel;
        int textWidth;
        String newText = displayed;
        textWidth = getTextWidth(newText + suffix, textView.getTextSize());
            newText = newText.substring(0, newText.length()-1).trim();
            textWidth = getTextWidth(newText + suffix, textView.getTextSize());
        textView.setText(newText + suffix);
    private int getTextWidth(String text, float textSize){
        Rect bounds = new Rect();
        Paint paint = new Paint();
        paint.getTextBounds(text, 0, text.length(), bounds);
        int width = (int) Math.ceil( bounds.width());
        return width;