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how to localize iOS 8 today extensions widget and also the widget name

I can't understand how I can localize today extensions, I want to create the Localize.strings file like a normal xcode project that for example have this string:

    "Apple" = "Apple"

    "Apple" = "Mela"

and I also want to know how I can localize the iOS 8 Today Extensions widget name.

I have tried to create a Strings File in Xcode, and I have tried to insert this:

"CFBundleDisplayName" = "App Name";

but the name doesn't change...


  • Add LSHasLocalizedDisplayName = YES to Info.plist file and add your localizations to InfoPlist.strings which you have to place under the language.proj folder per languages, for example de.lproj for German versions.

    Before testing: - Clean the project - Remove the application from the simulator. - Add language.proj folder references to extension's Supporting files part - to include them inside Copy bundle resources section in Build Phases of your extension target.