I have successfully implemented A* for path finding on a grid on NxM.
I know all the basics of A* and I wanted to know how to implement the same algorithm for the mentioned problems.
Can someone guide me as to what the heuristic function h and the G score is related to in these problems and how to proceed.
-- For example in grid search we add the neighbours to the opened list and then search the lowest F score, and add it to the closed list.
What would be done to follow the same algorithm for solving NQueens and Sliding puzzle?
Thank you :)
You need to define properly your transition function, cost function and heuristic function. Instead of explaining you each example, if you know the basics about A*, you might find useful to take a look of an implementation of the N-Queens problem and the N-Puzzle problem of the Hipster library. If you are not implementing your code in Java don't worry, the code is clear enought to let you know how to do it.
I hope my answer helps.