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How to check if an object's properties represent a super set of another object?

Suppose we have 2 objects:

var foo = {
       a: 3,
       b: 'yellow',
       c: {
           d: 5,
           e: 'green'
    bar = {
       b: 'yellow',
       c: {
           d: 5,
           e: 'green'

What is the best way to check that foo contains bar?

I am already using Lodash in my application, so you can use functions from that library if it makes it easier. Otherwise, vanilla JS is fine.


Well, let me try to explain what I mean when I use term 'contain'. I will do it in LoDash terminology.

LoDash has _.extend method, so that if have 2 objects:

var obj1 = {a:1, b:2}, 
    obj2 = {b:4, c:{d:'green', e:5}}

then the operation _.extend(obj1, obj2) will 'extend' obj1 - it will now have the value

{a:1, b:4, c:{d:'green', e:5}} 

i.e. obj1 'contains' obj2 now.


  • function containsObject(parent, child) {
        return !!_.findWhere(_.flatten([parent]), child);
    alert(containsObject(foo, bar)); // alerts "true"