So I'm building an SMS/MMS app and I want to get all the SMS and MMS in a conversation in one cursor.
I have to query "content//mms-sms/conversations?simple=true because (from what I've gathered) I'm using a Samsung S4 to test and the device won't let me access the "content//mms-sms/conversations" or "content//mms-sms/conversations/#" where the # is the thread_id. I have access to the SMS content provider and the MMS provider individually.
My question is how do I combine the cursors from both of them OR is there something I am missing completely to do this.. I have been exhaustively searching and haven't found anything helpful
I decided to do a query on both the SMS and the MMS tables and then merge them using this SortCursor that I found here:
the stackoverflow: How to represent 2 cursors as 1 sorted cursor?
There are "problems" with performance which is why android hasn't made it public; however, this seems to only be a problem when you have 10K+ rows (which I don't have)
I also made sure to do the work of loading the two cursors and loading the sortedCursor in an asynctask.