I'm trying to generate a mex code file from the .m file using Matlab coder. The code for which is
function [result,x]=tesrank(A,x)
result = [];
n = x;
for col= 1:n
result = [result, sum(A==col, 2)];
For fixed size, I'm able to get it using
codegen tesrank -args {zeros(2,3), zeros(1)}
% Here size(A)=2x3 and size(x)=1x1
How do I do it without limiting the size of A and x?
You do not have to limit the size of the array A.
Check this example (using Matlab 2014a):
codegen('funcAccumarray1D_max.m', ...
'-report', ...
'-args', {coder.typeof(double(0), [Inf 1]), ...
coder.typeof(double(0), [Inf 1])}, ...
'-o', 'funcAccumarray1D_max')
for this function:
function [ outs ] = funcAccumarray1D_max(subs, vals, sz)
%FUNCACCUMARRAY1D_MAX Construct an array by accumulation using 'max'
outs = NaN(sz, 1, 'like', vals);
for ix=1:size(subs,1)
sub = subs(ix);
outs(sub,1) = max(outs(sub,1), vals(ix,1));