I have installed the yowsub library (the latest version ) on my device ( Ubuntu 12.04 )
also I have obtained the request code by running this command
$ ./yowsup-cli --requestcode sms --config yowsup-cli.config
and then I registered it successfully using this command
$ ./yowsup-cli --register {MY-CODE} --config yowsup-cli.config
after that I entered the returned password in the configuration file.
but when I try to send messages by this command
$ ./yowsup-cli --send {Destination phone with it's country code} "Test message" --wait --config yowsup-cli.config
I have the following exception
Disconnected because close
I tried more than solution related to this issue but the result was the same exception.
I have solved the issue by downloading a new fork of the yowsube library from this link
and it's now working good.