Search code examples

Python: searching csv and return entire row

I couldn´t find a better place to ask my question. I am learning Python and trying to create a script as follows.

1) Should be able to search csv file.

2) Return entire row if match is found.

My csv:


If I search for 2938 for an example, entire row is returned as follows:

Product: RT
Scan: 2938
Width: 37
Height: 87
Capacity: 13,4

So far I have:

csvFile = getComponent().filePath
pos = csvFile.rfind('Desktop\\')
csvFile = csvFile[:pos] + 'programm\\products.csv'

myfile = open(csvFile)
for line in myfile.split('\n'):
    data = line.split(',')
    print data
    if data[2] == agv_O_Cal.value and data[3] == agv_O_Mod.value:
        print 'found: value = %s' %agv_O_Cal.value, agv_O_Mod.value
        Product = data[5]
        Scan = data[6]
        Width = data[7]
        Height = data[9]
        Capacity = data[10]
        print , Product, Scan, Width, Height, Capacity

The solution doesn´t work.


  • #!/usr/bin/python
    import csv
    import sys
    #input number you want to search
    number = raw_input('Enter number to find\n')
    #read csv, and split on "," the line
    csv_file = csv.reader(open('test.csv', "r"), delimiter=",")
    #loop through the csv list
    for row in csv_file:
        #if current rows 2nd value is equal to input, print that row
        if number == row[1]:
             print (row)