Suppose I have these classes: Foo(id: String)
and Bar(fooId: String)
I have a list of Foo
objects, I want to create a list of Bar
objects according to the id in the Foo
objects. If a bar exists in the list I don't want to be created again and added to the list. I can use Set to solve this problem but I don't like it that way. It is just not right.
def createBars() = {
var barList = List[Bar]()
for {
f ← fooList
bar = findOrCreateBar(f, barList)
barList = barList:+bar //error
} yield bar
def findOrCreateBar(f: Foo, barList: List[Bar]): Bar = {
barList match {
case Nil ⇒
case _ ⇒
val bars = for {
bar ← barList
if ==
} yield bar
if (bars.isEmpty) {
} else {
I have a few issues:
first the code above does not work because I get compile error in barList:+bar
in createBars
. The :+
cannot be resolved! Also the compiler says that the var
for declaring the barList
could be val! So it seems that the compiler does not see the barList in the barList = barList:+bar
as a list!
second If I replace the var of barList to val I can't reassign the changed list to barList
third I am using for comprehension in the createBars
because I thought I have no other choice to return the barList. Using annotations and such just for a break in a regular foor-loop is not a nice idea, imho!
Please help!
What about>Bar(
It is simple, efficient and keep the original list order.