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compare string to sub key value in php array partial match

I need to figure out a way to partial match a string to a sub key in my PHP array.


string = howdy-doody show as you can see there is a - dash and a space between the words. In my PHP array the sub key might be howdy doody show with no dashes or it might be howdy doody-show with the dash between a different word in the string.

How can I find the sub key in the array with the string given?

sample array

$pages = array(

'Administrator' => array(
    'network-administrator' => array('title' => 'Network '.$li_1, 'description' => 'Network '.$li_1.' '.$temp_content, 'post' => '<p>Network '.$li_1.' '.$temp_content.'.</p>'),
    'database administrator' => array('title' => 'Database '.$li_1, 'description' => 'Database '.$li_1.' '.$temp_content, 'post' => '<p>Database '.$li_1.' '.$temp_content.'.</p>'),

'Analyst' => array(
    'business systems analyst' => array('title' => 'Business Systems '.$li_2, 'description' => 'Business Systems '.$li_2.' '.$temp_content, 'post' => '<p>Business Systems '.$li_2.' '.$temp_content.'.</p>'),
    'data-analyst' => array('title' => 'Data '.$li_2, 'description' => 'Data '.$li_2.' '.$temp_content, 'post' => '<p>Data '.$li_2.' '.$temp_content.'.</p>'),


sample string

network administrator

sample variable to locate the array value

$content = $pages['Administrator']['network administrator'];

with the above variable it won't find the sub key in the array because the sub key uses a - dash like this network-administrator.

So how would I get the array value including the original subkey and returns its contents using the string that has the space instead of dash like so, network administrator?

Much appreciated for help!


  • Here's one way to do it: remap your original keys to a new array containing stripped keys, and store the original key in the value for the array.

    $t_keys = array();
    foreach ($pages as $k => $arr2) {
        foreach (array_keys($arr2) as $a) {
            // perform whatever transformations you want on the key here
            $new_key = str_replace("-", " ", $a);
            // use the transformed string as the array key;
            // we still need to access the data in the original array, so store the outer
            // array key ("Administrator", "Analyst", etc.) and the inner array key
            // ("network-administrator", etc.) in a subarray.
            $t_keys[$new_key] = array( $k, $a );

    An example key-value pair from $t_keys:

    $t_keys['network administrator'] = ['Administrator', 'network-administrator']

    To access the value in the original array, we need to get $pages['Administrator']['network-administrator'], or, using the equivalent values from $t_keys: $pages[ $t_keys['network administrator'][0] ][ $t_keys['network administrator'][1] ].

    To match against your search string:

    $str = str_replace("-", " ", $original_search_string_from_url);
    // check if it's in the transformed keys array
    if (array_key_exists($str, $t_keys)) {
        // now we can access the data from our $pages array!
        $target = $pages[ $t_keys[$str][0] ][ $t_keys[$str][1] ];
        echo "the proper name for $str is " . $t_keys[$str][1] . "\n";
    //  output: "the proper name for network administrator is network-administrator"
        // access various attributes of the network-administrator:
        echo "the title of $str is " . $target['title'];

    If you don't need to know what the keys in $pages are (e.g. 'Administrator' and 'network-administrator') and just want to get straight to the relevant data, you could create references instead of storing the keys. Here's an example:

    $refs = array();
    foreach ($pages as $k => $arr2) {
        foreach (array_keys($arr2) as $a) {
            // perform whatever transformations you want on the key here
            $new_key = str_replace("-", " ", $a);
            // create a reference ( =& ) to the contents of $pages[$k][$a]
            // $refs[$new_key] points directly at $pages[$k][$a]
            $refs[$new_key] =& $pages[$k][$a];

    Now $refs['network administrator'] acts like a shortcut to $pages['Administrator']['network-administrator']; $refs['network administrator']['post'] accesses $pages['Administrator']['network-administrator']['post'], and so on.