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Android NFC/HCE service returns 0x6F00 (No precise diagnosis) when selecting AID

I have created a HCE service with an AID of F0123412349999. According to the Android HCE documentation, I need to send a SELECT APDU so the HCE service will know which service to redirect the following messages to. here is the APDU I am sending to the phone upon successful connection:

{ 0x00, //CLA 
  0xA4, //INS
  0x00, //P1 
  0x07, //P2
  0x07, //Lc Length Content
  0xF0, //Data (AID)
  0x00  //Length of data expected

The transmit is successful, but what ever I do the android phone returns 0x6f00. This is translated to "No Precise Diagnosis". I have no idea what goes wrong, and apparently the error messages is somewhat vague. The following code is my HCE service:

public class MyHostApduService extends HostApduService {

    public byte[] processCommandApdu(byte[] apdu, Bundle extras) {
        Log.i("HCE service", "processCommandApdu");

            byte[] answer = new byte[2];
            answer[0] = (byte) 0x90;
            answer[1] = (byte) 0x00;
        return answer;

    public void onDeactivated(int reason) {
        Log.i("HCE service", "Deactivated: " + reason);

    public void onCreate() {
        Log.i("HCE service", "Created");

and the AID registration:

<host-apdu-service xmlns:android=""
    android:requireDeviceUnlock="false" >

        android:description="@string/app_name" >
        <aid-filter android:name="F0123412349999" />
        <aid-filter android:name="F0394148148100" />

And the manifest registration:

            android:permission="android.permission.BIND_NFC_SERVICE" >
                <action android:name="android.nfc.cardemulation.action.HOST_APDU_SERVICE" />

                android:resource="@xml/apduservice" />

The reader I am using to read the Android phone is a ACR122 reader. The mobile is a HTC One. one thing that strikes me odd is the ATR that the phone sends on contact with the reader which is 0x3B80800101. I though this would be larger and contain more information, but I might be wrong.

What can I change/fix to make the android send my messages to my HCE service?


  • The values for the parameters P1 and P2 in the SELECT APDU you are sending to the phone might not be valid. Try the following:

    P1 = 0x04

    P2 = 0x00

    You can check all the parameters for the SELECT command in a document called "Card Specification", published by Global Platform, an industry consortium.