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how much effective is a frameworks for RIA in long run?

i am pretty newbie in terms of flex/RIA frameworks. mostly done work on server side. as i search on internet , people are using a lot different framework, cairngorm to mate. so my question is , as i am baby stepping through flex, should i go for learning framework ? or without framework ? ( as of now , those DI,DAO,VO and IoC doesnt make much sense to me apart from full form. ) . i needed to do pretty serious stuff after around eight month or so. should that be enough time for learning flex ? thanks in advance. ( also any link or pointers are welcome -- althogh i have spend whole my day googling around and making hello worlds...) . how to become master of RIA FLEX ?


  • Before you jump into frameworks, learn Flex/ActionScript on its own. Figure out how to compose a real application and get everything working without the framework.

    Once you're comfortable building an application from scratch, then start looking at Frameworks and pick the one that best suits your needs/methods.

    That way you have a good foundation to build off of rather than relying on the Framework to do everything for you.