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VideoJS - Executing JS function at end of playback

I'm using VideoJS to play a video on a web page. I would like, at the end of the video to execute a java script in oder to hide the video DIV and display a other DIV.

Is somebody could help me to do this?



  • Thank you misterben you solution is working fine. I did the following to adapt to what I had:

        <video id="video"
            class="video-js vjs-default-skin vjs-big-play-centered"
            controls preload="auto" width="800" height="450"
            poster="images/fond.png" data-setup='{}'>
            <source src="video/video.mp4" type="video/mp4" /> 
            <source src="video/video.webm" type="video/webm" /> 
            <source src="video/video.ogv" type="video/ogg" />
        <div id="replacingdiv">
            <img class="replacingimg" src="./images/invitation.png" alt="Invitation" />
    videojs("video").ready(function() {
            var myPlayer = this;    // Store the video object
            var aspectRatio = 9/16; // Make up an aspect ratio
            function resizeVideoJS() {
                // Get the parent element's actual width
                var width = $(window).width();
                if ( width < 800)  {
                    myPlayer.width(width - 10).height( (width -10) * aspectRatio );
                    $('.replacingimg').width(width - 10).height( (width -10) * aspectRatio);
            myPlayer.on('ended',function() {
                $('#video').delay( 2000 ).fadeOut( "slow" , function() {
            resizeVideoJS(); // Initialize the function
            window.onresize = resizeVideoJS; // Call the function on resize