From android app, I am calling my php script.
HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost("");
try {
// Add your data
List<NameValuePair> nameValuePairs = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(2);
nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("pa", "555"));
nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("pb", "550"));
httppost.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(nameValuePairs));
// Execute HTTP Post Request
HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httppost);
How do I get the value of "pa" and "pb" in my php script.
I did $_POST['pa'] and urldecode($_POST['pa']) but both of these give me empty string.
You can use print_r($_POST)
to debug what is being sent.
If it helps, this is how I send info from Android using POST:
JSONObject requestBody = new JSONObject();
requestBody.put("pa", "550");
requestBody.put("pb", "550");
HttpPost requestBase = new HttpPost("url");
StringEntity stringEntity = new StringEntity(requestBody.toString());
stringEntity.setContentType(new BasicHeader(HTTP.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json"));
HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(requestBase);
I'm working from memory here though - there are a couple of try/catches you'll need to insert.
Using a JSONObject might be unnecessary, but I found it gave me better flexibility and reliability.