This is a snippet from an Instagram JSON:
{ "url":"http:\/\/\/hphotos-xfa1\/t51.2885-15\/10593467_370803786404217_1595289732_n.jpg","width":640,"height":640}
I'd like to strip the protocol from ['images']['standard_resolution']['url']
. I tried with:
.parse_url($value['images']['standard_resolution']['url'], PHP_URL_HOST) . parse_url($value['images']['standard_resolution']['url'], PHP_URL_PATH).
But does nothing! I think it has to do with the /
escaping done in JSON (http:\/\/
). Because if I try
.parse_url("", PHP_URL_HOST) . parse_url("", PHP_URL_PATH).
.. it just works fine. I'd like to keep things easy.. and don't use regex. parse_url
would be perfect.
Why would you even need to do a replace or regex at all?
If you use json_decode
the escaped slashes are un-escaped.
So doing like this:
$foo = '{"images":{"standard_resolution":{"url":"http:\/\/\/hphotos-xfa1\/t51.2885-15\/10593467_370803786404217_1595289732_n.jpg","width":640,"height":640}}}';
$bar = json_decode($foo, true);
$baz =
parse_url($bar['images']['standard_resolution']['url'], PHP_URL_HOST) .
parse_url($bar['images']['standard_resolution']['url'], PHP_URL_PATH);
echo $baz;
Would output: