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Running racket with emacs?

I installed Geiser from source and following this SO answer set the path to drracket. Here is my part of my .emacs file. I'm on a GNU/linux distribution.

;downloaded geiser from git rep and make install
(add-to-list 'load-path "/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/")
(require 'geiser-install)

(setq geiser-racket-binary "/usr/racket/bin/drracket")

In emacs when I M-x run-racket on emacs I get the following error:

drracket: unknown switch: -i

Do you have any solution?


  • Of course the solution was to use

    (setq geiser-racket-binary "/usr/racket/bin/racket")

    instead of :

     (setq geiser-racket-binary "/usr/racket/bin/drracket")