I have a .mat file with a bunch of variables (cells). They are actually just a column vector of doubles.
Sample of what the .mat file looks like. The actual one has more files
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
r2_Fall_1997 1x1 144 cell
r2_Fall_1998 1x8 1152 cell
r2_Fall_1999 1x325 46800 cell
r2_Fall_2000 1x368 52992 cell
r2_Spring_1997 1x1 144 cell
r2_Spring_1998 1x8 1152 cell
r2_Spring_1999 1x325 46800 cell
r2_Spring_2000 1x368 52992 cell
r2_Spring_2014 1x1 144 cell
r2_Summer_1997 1x1 144 cell
r2_Summer_1998 1x8 1152 cell
r2_Summer_1999 1x325 46800 cell
r2_Summer_2000 1x368 52992 cell
I want to save each season (so r2_Spring_, r2_Summer_, r2_Fall*) into a CSV file with each year being a different column.
I am using the following code right now, but it's creating a CSV file for each variable, but not actually saving anything - it's 0 bytes. How can I make each iteration of the inner loop save into a new column of the CSV file?
load Correlation_PM25_24hr_O3_MDA8
Seasons = {'Spring'; 'Summer'; 'Fall'}
years = 1997:2013;
for s = 1:length(Seasons)
for y = 1:length(years)
csvwrite(['r2_' Seasons{s} '_' num2str(years(y)) '.csv'], ['r2_' Seasons{s} '_' num2str(years(y))])
If I understand what you are trying to do, I think you will need to use eval( ) to get the data into the csvwrite function. Something like this:
csvwrite(['r2_' Seasons{s} '_' num2str(years(y)) '.csv'], eval(['r2_' Seasons{s} '_' num2str(years(y)))])