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Failing to delete Docker's images after terminating the container

Im new to docker. I created a container and deployed some images below.

stratos@Dev-PC:/media/sf_docker_vm/couchdb-cartridge$ docker images
REPOSITORY                             TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE       latest              1bbc29d7cf4a        41 hours ago        785.2 MB
couchdb-cartridge                      latest              1bbc29d7cf4a        41 hours ago        785.2 MB   latest              1bbc29d7cf4a        41 hours ago        785.2 MB    latest              a25a79ecc37f        3 weeks ago         463.4 MB
tomcat-cartridge                       latest              a25a79ecc37f        3 weeks ago         463.4 MB     latest              ab1dac84c735        3 weeks ago         802 MB
mysql-cartridge                        latest              ab1dac84c735        3 weeks ago         802 MB       latest              809d2a1ebaf0        3 weeks ago         668.3 MB
php-cartridge                          latest              809d2a1ebaf0        3 weeks ago         668.3 MB
docker-registry                        latest              a158e64ae76a        5 weeks ago         596.2 MB
docker-busybox                         latest              2eb418e07fd5        5 weeks ago         4.964 MB          latest              2eb418e07fd5        5 weeks ago         4.964 MB
ubuntu                                 12.04               822a01ae9a15        6 weeks ago         108.1 MB

I wanted to remove 1bbc29d7cf4a image and it want let me to delete it saying:

stratos@Dev-PC:/media/sf_docker_vm/couchdb-cartridge$ docker rmi 1bbc29d7cf4a
Error: Conflict, cannot delete image 1bbc29d7cf4a because it is tagged in multiple repositories
2014/09/26 12:38:50 Error: failed to remove one or more images

Some how i follow this question and still im getting above error. Bellow is the steps i follow.

docker ps
docker stop <containerid>
docker rm <containerid>
docker rmi <imageid>

can someone help me to delete this images?


  • The reason is right in the error message:

    cannot delete image 1bbc29d7cf4a because it is tagged in multiple repositories

    Delete using the tags:

    docker rmi couchdb-cartridge

    Or just specify -f in the rmi command:

    docker rmi -f 1bbc29d7cf4a