I read a lot of articles but still can't make cookies work. I have a controller for login page, and this controller basicaly calls service that make a login. In service callback vunstion I set cookies:
$cookieStore.uid = response.ui;
$cookieStore.email = response.email;
$cookieStore.auth = response.cookie;
After that I make a redirect on my index view. In controller for index view, I try to check cookies in the cookie chacker service.
var email = $cookieStore.email;
var auth = $cookieStore.auth;
if (typeof email !== 'undefined' && typeof auth !== 'undefined') {
And this works only for the moment when I was redirected to the page from login. When I moved to different view or reload page my cookies lost.
Adding records to the cookiestore is like so.
$cookieStore.put("KEY", value);
And to retrieve: