I have a cell in MATLAB where each element contains a vector of a different length
C = {[1 2 3], [2 4 5 6], [1 2 3], [6 4], [7 6 4 3], [4 6], [6 4]}
As you can see, some of the the vectors are repeated, others are unique.
I want to count the number of times each vector occurs and return the count such that I can populate a table in a GUI where each row is a unique combination and the date shows how many times each combination occurs.
"[1 2 3]" 2
"[6 4]" 2
"[2 4 5 6]" 1
"[7 6 4 3]" 1
"[4 6]" 1
I should say that the order of the numbers in each vector is important i.e. [6 4] is not the same as [4 6].
Any thoughts how I can do this fairly efficiently?
Thanks to people who have commented so far. As @Divakar kindly pointed out, I forgot to mention that the values in the vector can be more than one digit long. i.e. [46, 36 28]
. My original code would concatenate the vector [1 2 3 4]
into 1234
then use hist to do the counting. Of course this falls apart when you got above single digits as you can tell the difference between [1, 2, 3, 4]
and [12, 34]
You can convert all the entries to char and then to a 2D numeric array and finally use unique(...'rows')
to get labels for unique rows and use them to get their counts.
C = {[46, 36 28], [2 4 5 6], [46, 36 28], [6 4], [7 6 4 3], [4 6], [6 4]} %// Input
char_array1 = char(C{:})-0; %// convert input cell array to a char array
[~,unqlabels,entry_labels] = unique(char_array1,'rows'); %// get unique rows
count = histc(entry_labels,1:max(entry_labels)); %// counts of each unique row
For the purpose of presenting the output in a format as asked in the question, you can use this -
out = [C(unqlabels)' num2cell(count)];
Output -
out =
[1x4 double] [1]
[1x2 double] [1]
[1x2 double] [2]
[1x4 double] [1]
[1x3 double] [2]
and display the unique rows with celldisp
ans{1} =
2 4 5 6
ans{2} =
4 6
ans{3} =
6 4
ans{4} =
7 6 4 3
ans{5} =
46 36 28
Edit: If you have negative numbers in there, you need to do little more work to setup char_array1
as shown here and rest of the code stays the same -
lens = cellfun(@numel,C);
mat1(bsxfun(@ge,lens,[1:max(lens)]')) = horzcat(C{:});
char_array1 = mat1';