Search code examples

Query to Include Discriminator value when using TPH

When using TPH I have different types inheriting from a base. We have a search that queries across the abstract type. In the results, we want to show the type:

ie. abstract Vehicle

Car: Vehicle Truck: Vehicle

in the results, I want to show 'type' - ie. 'Car' and 'Truck'.

I attempted to use GetType().Name but this fails.

Here is sample:

 IQueryable<CompanySearchResult> q = from company in _ctx.Companies
                                                select new CompanySearchResult
                                                    CompanyName = company.CompanyName,
                                                    CompanyId = company.Id,
                                                    Type = company.GetType().Name


  • You have to postpone projection until you have entities in memory

     IEnumerable<CompanySearchResult> q = 
            .Select( company =>
                new CompanySearchResult
                    CompanyName = company.CompanyName,
                    CompanyId = company.Id,
                    Type = company.GetType().Name
                } );

    In particular, this means that you shouldn't still have IQueryable after the projection, as you operate on an in-memory collection.