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How to list available test classes

Is there a way to get Gradle (1.12) to list all of the available unit test classes in a project?

I'm considering putting a front-end on a series of tests we use in my company, and since new tests are always being added, I need a way to get a list of available tests.

I realize that I could scan the actual project for classes that reside in the test sources tree, but I was hoping for something easily parsed from Gradle. I just don't know if that's really an option and I'm having trouble getting decent search results since "test" is such a generic word.

Any help would be appreciated.


  • There is no official API in Gradle to expose this information. You can check if is what you need. Either look at Gradle sources or it is also used in Keep in mind that it is an implementation detail.

    A simpler approach is to run these tests and enable logging where you will print names of executed tests. There is an example how to this in Gradle documentation I think.