I want to register WCF client channels in autofac, so I can resolve them simply by including the service contract interface in the constructor, e.g. like this:
public LoginFormController(ILoginService loginService)
{ ...
I have a factory that creates the channels for me, with a single public generic method:
public T GetChannel<T>()
I register my factory:
I can't figure out if there is a syntax to register my client channel. This works, but its not what I want:
Builder.Register(c => new ClientChannelManager(new SettingsProvider()).GetChannel<ILoginService>()).As<ILoginService>();
Instead of creating new instance of ClientChannelManager and its constructor arguments, I want it resolved from the container.
The best I have come up with is a static GetChannel method in my factory that resolves an instance from the container explicitly:
public static T ResolveChannel<T>(IComponentContext context)
IClientChannelManager manager = context.Resolve<IClientChannelManager>();
return manager.GetChannel<T>();
And register the service contract with a call to the static method:
Builder.Register(c => ClientChannelManager.ResolveChannel<ILoginService>(c)).As<ILoginService>();
Anyone know a more elegant syntax/solution for this?
There is a whole article on registering and consuming WCF services using Autofac on the Autofac wiki that shows exactly what you're asking for: http://docs.autofac.org/en/latest/integration/wcf.html