I would like to know why the default text does not appear on the entry field. On the same screen everything works fine. The problem is when I call the function from another file. I have this menu which calls the function and everything appears fine, but not the default text The main menu file with the import files within foldersThis is my code:
__author__ = 'jordiponsisala'
import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.ttk as ttk
from tkinter import*
def mnuArticles():
def provaD():
print('Imprimiendo algo')
root = Tk()
notebook = ttk.Notebook(root)
notebook.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True,)
notebook.pressed_index = None
notebook.master.title("Manteniment d'Articles")
container1 = Frame(notebook,bg='grey')
container2 = Frame(notebook)
notebook.add(container1, text='Article')
botoImprimir = tk.Button
entArticle = StringVar()
entDescripcio = StringVar()
entDescripcio.set('the default text that does not appear')
txtArticle = Entry(container1,textvariable=entArticle
txtDescripcio = Entry(container1,textvariable= entDescripcio
notebook.add(container2, text='Preu')
This is the code of the main file. To test the code you need to create a folder with the name manteniment and put inside an empty file __init__.py with underscores at the beginning and end
from tkinter import *
from manteniment.articles import *
ventana = Tk()
ventana.geometry ('500x500+0+0')
ventana.title ('Benvinguts')
lblVentana = Label(text='Grub article').pack()
barraMenu = Menu (ventana)
mnuArchivo = Menu (barraMenu)
mnuTpv = Menu (barraMenu)
mnuLListats = (barraMenu)
mnuArchivo.add_command (label='Articles',command=mnuArticles) #I call the function here
barraMenu.add_cascade(label = 'Mantenimiento',menu =mnuArchivo)
barraMenu.add_cascade(label = 'TPV', menu = mnuTpv)
ventana.config(menu = barraMenu)
The problem is that you're creating more than one instance of Tk
. A tkinter program should only ever have a single instance of Tk
. If you want to create multiple windows, additional windows need to be instances of Toplevel
In mnuArticles, create an instance of Toplevel
rather than Tk
def mnuArticles():
root = Toplevel()
You also need to remove the call to root.mainloop()
in the mnuArticles function since your main program already has a mainloop running.