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Using GrantAccessRequest to give READ rights

I want to remove READ rights from a security role on systemuser entity and execute a plugin on each new systemuser creation – it will grant READ to the particular user so that only his/her systemuser record is visible to them. The plugin has to run very last in the chain asynchronously.

In my plugin I use following code to assign read rights to user,

                    EntityReference systemUser = PostImage.ToEntityReference();
                    GrantAccessRequest grantRequest = new GrantAccessRequest()
                        Target = systemUser,
                        PrincipalAccess = new PrincipalAccess()
                            Principal = systemUser,
                            AccessMask = AccessRights.ReadAccess 

                    GrantAccessResponse grantResponse =

But when I create a new user and logged in using that credentials, this doesn't seem to make any change. All the systemuser records are visible!What am I doing wrong? Currently systemuser has read permisson set to 'organization' in crm security roles.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!


  • You don't need to do this in a plugin or any other kind of code. All users are granted explicit shares to their own user record and user settings via rows in the PrincipalObjectAccess ('POA') table.