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Tortoisesvn keeps saying "Please wait" after a huge refactoring

I have a Visual Studio project, where I did a lot of refactoring. It is not a huge project, but still ~3-400 files.

However, now I want to commit my code. Normally I can right click, "Commit", and then it works. But righ now, I get "Please wait..." in Tortoise:

enter image description here

I tried to let it run for 3 hours yesterday. It consumed 6gb of ram, but it didn't update.

So my question is: how do i fix this problem, so my code can be comitted?


  • So this was very weird. When I tried to commit on the root folder, I could not get it to work.

    If I went into the subfolders and comitted a couple of folders at a time, it would easily find all changes and commit it.


    So basically the answer is: take smaller groups of files and commit.