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Is it possible to get jedi autocomplete for a C++ library binded to python?

I am using vim with jedi-vim to edit some python code. However, some libraries we use are C++ shared libraries for which we generated python bindings using pybindgen. When using jedi-vim, I do not get signature for any of the classes and methods, just a listing of them.

For example, in this library, if I install the library and import it:

import spacevecalg as sva

Then, sva. will correctly show all first-order functions and classes. However, if I select the first one, sva.ABInertia( jedi will not suggest me any of the class constructors.

I suppose I have to somehow export the class definitions to a kind of python documentation, and I figured I could use the doxygen annotations for that, but I have no idea how to feed that extra documentation to jedi (or any other completion engine, such as the one built in IPython).

Thanks a lot !


  • You cannot feed extra documentation to Jedi. However, you can set the __doc__ attribute in a way that Jedi understands it. If you define call signatures the same way as the standard library, I guess it should work.

    As a side note, I have to mention that in Python 3.4+ there's an even better way of defining the docstrings. IMHO it's the proper way to define it. I'm not sure how exactly to do it (but there are ways to use it):

    >>> inspect.signature(exit)
    <inspect.Signature object at 0x7f2b5a05aa58>
    >>> str(inspect.signature(exit))

    Jedi doesn't understand it yet, but it definitely will in the future.