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Custom Zedgraph ToolStripMenuItem won't check when clicked

I customize the right click menu thanks to this :

lineGraphControl1.ContextMenuBuilder += new ZedGraphControl.ContextMenuBuilderEventHandler(MyContextMenuBuilder);


private void MyContextMenuBuilder(ZedGraphControl control, ContextMenuStrip menuStrip, Point mousePt, ZedGraphControl.ContextMenuObjectState objState)
    // create a new menu item
    ToolStripMenuItem item = new ToolStripMenuItem();
    // This is the user-defined Tag so you can find this menu item later if necessary
    item.Name = "simple_cursor";
    // This is the text that will show up in the menu
    item.Text = "Simple Cursor";
    item.CheckOnClick = true;
    // Add a handler that will respond when that menu item is selected
    item.Click += new System.EventHandler(DisplaySimpleCursor);
    // Add the menu item to the menu

But the menu Simple Cursor won't check when clicked. I try to force the sender in the function DisplaySimpleCursor(), it doesn't work.

When I debug my app, I see that in DisplaySimpleCursor(), the sender's property Checked is set to true.

What am I missing ?


  • As the menu is build on the heat, the checkOnClick means nothing since the object is destroyed (I guess) everytime the menu is hidden.

    The solution was to set the property :

    // showOneCursor is a bool describing my need and toggled on click
    item.Checked = showOneCursor;