I have a game where balls bounce around the screen - simple. I have walls that prevent balls from escaping the screen space. I use the following code to add balls to the screen, which happens with some delay between each addition:
var ball = {};
ball.markedForDelete = false;
ball.dir = spawnPoint.dir;
var ballMass = 1;
var ballBody = new cp.Body( ballMass, cp.momentForCircle( ballMass, 0, this._ballRadius, cp.v(0,0) ) );
ballBody.setPos( spawnPoint.position );
var magnitude = 200;
var ang = spawnPoint.dir * Math.PI / 180;
var vel = cp.v( magnitude * Math.cos(ang), magnitude * Math.sin(ang) );
var shape = new cp.CircleShape( ballBody, this._ballRadius, cp.v( 0,0 ) );
shape.ballShapeId = this.model.getNextBallShapeId ();
shape.setElasticity( 1 );
shape.setFriction( 0 );
shape.setCollisionType( collision_type );
this._space.addShape( shape );
ball.shape = shape;
shape.ball = ball;
var sprite = cc.PhysicsSprite.create( file );
sprite.nodeName = "Ball:" + shape.ballShapeId;
sprite.setColor( cc.c3b( 255, 255, 255 ) );
sprite.setScale ( 0.5 * this.ballScale );
sprite.setBody( ballBody );
this._gameStage.addChild( sprite, 5 );
ball.sprite = sprite;
sprite.ball = ball;
this._space.addBody( ballBody );
ballBody.setVel( vel ) ;
return ball;
This code works as expected when running on a device (iOS or Android), but when I use exact same code on the web things get weird. First, it spawns about 4 balls from random spawn points without a hitch, but all following balls get spawned on top of an existing ball and seems like the two (or three or four depending on how long you play) share physics. If I enable debug physics node: cc.PhysicsDebugNode.create( this._space ); I can see that these balls are right over each other and they stack velocities. What is going on? Is there a limit on how many I can have? Any pointers? I am so lost and confused.
So, i figured it out. I created an array of 4 spawn points (notice it matches how many balls i was seeing). Each spawn point was something like this spawnPoint: { position: cc.p ( x, y ) }. So, when I assign position for the body using ballBody.setPos( spawnPoint.position ) it was not creating a new cc.p object to store position, but actually using the one i provided. So, every ball i created shared one of these 4 positions. On mobile devices this works properly and cc.p is actually created, instead of just pointing to the one I provided. Hope it helps someone.