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Strongloop: setup Storage Component for Amazon S3

I'm new to Node.js and Loopback. I have been using Deployd so far and I'm trying to migrate to Loopback. The S3 bucket module on Deployd was working great.


I'm on this website

I run, in my project folder,

npm install loopback-component-storage

I then need to create a datasource. To setup the new datasource, I tried

slc loopback:datasource

It doesn't provide me with the option to create a source that is a storage. So I rule that option out I guess

I see there is this piece of code on the github (link above):

var ds = loopback.createDataSource({
    connector: require('loopback-component-storage'),
    provider: 'filesystem',
    root: path.join(__dirname, 'storage')

var container = ds.createModel('container');


I guess this is the right way to create a datasource, but where do I place this code and how do I execute it? How do I adapt this code to work with Amazon?

{ provider: 'amazon', key: '...', keyId: '...' }

I suppose key is my secret key and keyId my access key id, but can you confirm?

I'm just having trouble getting started... thanks for your help in advance


  • You can add a datasource manually in server/datasources.json too. This way, you should be able to create a container model using the storage data source.

    To do this by code as you illustrated, you can either modify server/server.js or drop a JS file into server/boot with an exported function as:

    module.exports = function(app) {
      // your code