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Subclipse does not recognize my project as an SVN project

From SVN I checked out a "myproject" folder to my hard drive.
It happens to be an Eclipse project, so I imported it into Eclipse and I can work on it.

I have Subclipse installed and working as expected on other projects in the same Eclipse workspace.
But for some reason, "myproject" does not have the usual Subclipse controls like Team>Commit or the decorations.

Did I miss any obvious steps?

svn --version: 1.6.5 (r38866)
Subclipse: 1.6.6 Eclipse: jee-galileo-SR1-linux-gtk 20090920-1017

Here is what happens when I click Team>Share>SVN:

Subclipse Team Share

Please note the root .svn folder.
On the command-line, SVN works in this folder.


  • Try right-clicking "myproject" and click Team / Share Project. It should ask you what type of repository, and when you move to the next screen it should indicate that it sees existing SVN/ directories at which point it should use that metadata to establish the link. It may also require that you have the SVN repository set up (in the SVN Repositories perspective).