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Android - Encode & Decode RSA with Private Key?

I am trying to encode and decode Strings on Android using a Private Key generated and stored using the Android Key Store Provider that was introduced in Android 4.3

I can successfully generate and get the private key using the following code:

 private void generatePrivateKey(Activity context, String alias){
    /** Generate a new entry in the KeyStore by using the  * KeyPairGenerator API. We have to specify the attributes for a  * self-signed X.509 certificate here so the KeyStore can attach  * the public key part to it. It can be replaced later with a  * certificate signed by a Certificate Authority (CA) if needed.  */

    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    Date now = cal.getTime();
    cal.add(Calendar.YEAR, 1);
    Date end = cal.getTime();

    KeyPairGenerator kpg = null;
    try {
        kpg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA", "AndroidKeyStore");
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
    } catch (NoSuchProviderException e) {
    try {
        kpg.initialize(new KeyPairGeneratorSpec.Builder(context)
                .setSubject(new X500Principal("CN=" + alias))
    } catch (InvalidAlgorithmParameterException e) {

    KeyPair kp = kpg.generateKeyPair();

 * Load the Android KeyStore instance using the the
 * "AndroidKeyStore" provider to list out what entries are
 * currently stored.
    KeyStore ks = null;
    try {
        ks = KeyStore.getInstance("AndroidKeyStore");
        Enumeration<String> aliases = ks.aliases();
    } catch (KeyStoreException e) {
    } catch (CertificateException e) {
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {

 * Use a PrivateKey in the KeyStore to create a signature over
 * some data.

    KeyStore.Entry entry = null;
    try {
        entry = ks.getEntry(alias, null);
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
    } catch (UnrecoverableEntryException e) {
    } catch (KeyStoreException e) {
    if (!(entry instanceof KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry)) {
        Log.w("E", "Not an instance of a PrivateKeyEntry");
        Log.w("E", "Got Key!");
        privateKeyEntry = ((KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry) entry).getPrivateKey();


And here is the code I am using for encrypt (encode) and decrypt (decode):

private String encryptString(String value){
    byte[] encodedBytes = null;
    try {
        Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding", "AndroidOpenSSL");
        cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE,  privateKeyEntry );
        encodedBytes = cipher.doFinal(value.getBytes());
    } catch (Exception e) {

    return Base64.encodeToString(encodedBytes, Base64.DEFAULT);

private String decryptString(String value){
    byte[] decodedBytes = null;
    try {
        Cipher c = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding", "AndroidOpenSSL");
        c.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE,  privateKeyEntry );
        decodedBytes = c.doFinal(Base64.decode(value, Base64.DEFAULT));
    } catch (Exception e) {

    return new String(decodedBytes);

The Encryption appears to work fine but when I try to decrypt it I get the following error:

javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: error:0407106B:rsa routines:RSA_padding_check_PKCS1_type_2:block type is not 02

Googling this seems to suggest that the private key used for decryption is different to the one used for decryption but in my code I use the exact same private key for both. I have also seen it suggested to set the key size manually but doing this in the KeyPairGenerator builder like this:


Did not work and seems to be only available on API 19, I need to target API 18.

Can anyone help point me in the right direction as to a solution?


  • You are not using the public key for encryption.

    When you are using asymmetric encryption algorithms, you need to use the public key to encrypt your data, and the private key only to decrypt it again.

    Besides encryption, you can also use the private key for signing, but that's not what you want here, so let's forget about that for the moment.

    If you take the public key from the generated pair, when you encrypt your string, and the private key when decrypting, you should get the desired result. The public key you can extract by accessing the certificate from the keystore-object that holds your private key.

    Alternatively you could also use a symmetric algorithm like AES and by that make your work a lot easier. Plus, symmetric algorithms are usually much faster, which is why asymmetric algorithms are never used purely, but in conjunction with symmetric algorithms, building so-called hybrid algorithms.