I have a list of dbpedia URI's and I want to get some informations (categories, label) about each of them in one query:
SELECT ?category ?label where {
dbpedia:Financial_Times dcterms:subject ?category .
dbpedia:Financial_Times rdfs:label ?label .
FILTER ( lang(?label) = 'en' )
dbpedia:London dcterms:subject ?category .
dbpedia:London rdfs:label ?label .
FILTER ( lang(?label) = 'en' )
This query works fine, but I'd need to add the URI's themself into the result to be able identify which result row is for which URI.
you can do something like
SELECT distinct ?who ?category ?label where {
?who dcterms:subject ?category .
?who rdfs:label ?label .
FILTER ( lang(?label) = 'en' ).
FILTER(?who = dbpedia:Financial_Times or ?who = dbpedia:London )
or use a trick like this
SELECT ?who ?category ?label where {
dbpedia:Financial_Times dcterms:subject ?category .
dbpedia:Financial_Times rdfs:label ?label .
FILTER ( lang(?label) = 'en' ).
VALUES ?who { dbpedia:Financial_Times}
dbpedia:London dcterms:subject ?category .
dbpedia:London rdfs:label ?label .
FILTER ( lang(?label) = 'en' ) .
VALUES ?who { dbpedia:London }
the second one probably is faster but needs SPARQL 1.1