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Using AutoFixture to set properties on a collection as data for an Xunit theory

I'm new to Xunit and AutoFixture, and writing a theory that looks like:

[Theory, AutoData]
public void Some_Unit_Test(List<MyClass> data)
    // Test stuff

MyClass looks like:

public class MyClass
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public bool IsActive { get; set; }

This causes AutoFixture to create a list of items with random values for each property. This is great, but I would like the IsActive property to always be true.

I could set it to true at the start of every test but I'm guessing there is a smarter way. I looked at InlineData, ClassData, PropertyData, even Inject() but nothing quite seemed to fit.

How can I improve this?


  • Here is one way to do this:

    public class Test
        [Theory, TestConventions]
        public void ATestMethod(List<MyClass> data)
            Assert.True(data.All(x => x.IsActive));

    The TestConventionsAttribute is defined as:

    internal class TestConventionsAttribute : AutoDataAttribute
        internal TestConventionsAttribute()
            : base(new Fixture().Customize(new TestConventions()))
        private class TestConventions : ICustomization
            public void Customize(IFixture fixture)
                fixture.Customize<MyClass>(c => c.With(x => x.IsActive, true));